Our values


At FORLAM, the art of processing steel is based on expertise that has been gathered over centuries. A long tradition of rigour and high expectations that the Group insists on passing to new generations. With this goal, there is a large emphasis put on the importance of training teams, whether in mastering or changing careers. This is a commitment to excellence that is respected by international standards, and essential to working with the most demanding industrial sectors, such as aviation, automotive and rail.

Over 500 years of history

Deeply rooted in the company culture, respect for people and the environment is a founding value that guides the Group’s actions. Respect for customer needs by offering increasingly more effective and long-lasting steels; respect for the teams by continuously trying to improve working conditions in the factory; respect for the planet by implementing environmentally-friendly procedures to result in better managed water and energy consumption and an increasing use of recycled steels.

  • 50%
    of raw materials from recycling
  • Automatisation
    to ease working conditions in the factory
  • Water consumption
    60 times lower than 20 years ago
Team spirit

Encourage team work. Make sure to pass on to younger generations. Prioritise “getting on with it” for decisions coming down from above. Across the board, from the headquarters to production sites, the team spirit represents one of the keys to success for the Group. The cooperation between different profiles and expertises, the development of interdisciplinary projects and management’s ability to listen are very much factors that contribute to making this mindset so dynamic every day.

20 tutors for training young recruits
and anticipate moves towards retirement

Although a historical landmark in the steel industry, FORLAM sets itself apart by its creativity, perseverance and ability to innovate. With the ambition to stand among the European leaders in each one of its markets, FORLAM invests every year in improving its production processes, in developing more effective and responsible steels, and in offering custom solutions, as close as possible to the customer’s needs.

  • Rolling
    6 new products
    per year on average
  • Forging
    3% of revenue
    invested in R&D
  • Fencing
    56 patents
Our commitments
An involved industry specialist

In the face of the great environmental, societal and ethical challenges that the world must conquer, FORLAM group would like to contribute as a responsible industry member. Conscious of the impact of its operations on the planet, FORLAM is committed to an ESR approach, which applies across the company, from the headquarters to the production sites.

In a declaration of concrete measures, FORLAM group is committed to:

  • Anticipating or minimising the environmental effects that it creates on a daily basis
  • Understanding the impact of its operations on the environment via innovative processes limiting water and energy consumption on production sites
  • Moving as soon as possible to recycled raw materials
  • Sorting and reclaiming its industrial waste so it can be reused in other sectors


  • Ensuring strict adherence to legal and regulatory demands
  • Prioritising health and safety of its workers and reduce work strain on production sites
  • Ensuring equality between men and women
  • Encouraging training and development of skills throughout the professional career